The pain is back.This is happening too fast now. I just wrote a post on here a couple of days ago and all seemed to be well. I have been feeling very tired lately,and more short of breath than usual. I thought that I was just getting down because of the long winter. The pain seems to radiate through all my back.There is no cough,so I do not suspect pneumonia. I am scared. I heard that Lung Cancer was a very painful end.I do not know how strong I can be through this uncomfortable time. I am starting to see the other side of this cancer. I started having back aches four years ago.I thought that perhaps it was the sitting at the computer.I got a new bed,thinking it was the mattress. The doctors gave me all sorts of muscle relaxants,pain killers and even physio therapy. I went continuously to my doctor almost raging with trying to explain the pain. I also suffered waves of nausea over this time as well.It was and still is not unusual for me to have the waves several times a day. I think th...