The Death Sentence

Welcome,my faithful friends.
I am so grateful to be writing this post to you.
I was told by the doctors,all of them,that I would pass,by December 5th.
Please,don't ask about when,just have now.
For you first time readers,a bit of a catch up on the last year.
My first diagnosis of lung cancer was 2006.I had a lobe removed in one lung and carried on,without recurrence until 2013.I started all the symptoms again,coughing,tired,breathless.
It wasn't til November last yr. That I got a chest scan that revealed a 2cm.tumor on my wind pipe.It is on the "cardina",which is a lymph node..
My diagnosis is "Adeno Carcinoma with lymph node involvement"
The oncologists told me they could not give therapy.Radiation could kill me,but surely put me on oxygen.
The chemo doctor had the same opinion.
There is no cure or hope for me.
I was sent home to die.I have no palliative care,can't afford is,so my husband,who has his own issues helps me.
I have a Do Not Recusicate order,and just told that I will probably stop breathing,but call 911,when I think it's time.
What a horrible situation.Sent home to die.I haven't seen a doctor,no blood tests,no one examining me,just some pain meds.
Well,You know me.I am having a hard time with this,even though it's true.
I still Believe,I will live awhile longer.
I am in some pain,but My spirit is good.I have equal good and bad days,and I pray a lot.
Thanks to all of you,friends,and family,maybe we can set a precedent!
Then,in reality,this might be my last post.
I have spoken on here for 10 yrs.I hope that because I have shared,and you have let me,that when you feel emotionally done,please just remember.......

Don't Stop Believing!



Anonymous said…
do you have medicare? it covers hospice care

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