Standing at the Crossroads

Well,Here I am again folks.Medically,I am at the crossroads.It seems  neither of my choices will be good ones.I do not want to dwell on that right now.
I do however,want to tell you that I am not as dependant upon my husband as much.For several years I hardly got of my bed.I now get up and drive the car to my freelance position ,I was able to obtain.It doesn't pay much,but with my son and husband to support,every bit helps.I now look forward to getting out of bed in the morning and facing the day.Every step I take  I feel like I am winning against the odds.Lung Cancer,COPD,Fibromalgia,Heart Disease and only one kidney functioning,I feel pretty darn good.I am not on oxygen yet,I have the availability of both legs and arms,(though sometimes they ache).I am here now and even if this is my final act,it has been a great play.
I still have lots on my plate physically.Every doctor appointment scares me.I have my "nephrologist"(kidney doctor),to see in a few weeks.Two of my specialists believe I am losing my only kidney and have mentioned the open heart surgery and the kidney transplant again.But.....I will not worry yet,as that only wastes the good moments.My lung cancer doctor feels a six month check up is due.My heart doctor still says I am a ticking time bomb.I do not know,I really sound in worse shape than I feel.
I want to let you all know to keep thinking positive,every day,even when stuff gets you so down.
So,Remember til next time




Anonymous said…
So much to say...I haven't had a chance to read all of your posts, but I needed to find someone who is in this fight with me, even though I'm not physically going through this ugly disease. My mom is on the 'back end' of a three-year fight with lung cancer. *sigh* It's not knowing what to expect from day to day that really gets to me. If you have time, check out my blog on wordpress, -- RoniLynn

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