There is a Silver Lining

Hello everyone.
I have written many posts on here over the last three years.
I have shared with you my trials and my tribulations through "Lung Cancer"Cirrhosis of the Liver" and much more.
I hope that I helped some of you with knowing that others go through some of the same emotions as you do.
Cancer of any kind is so cruel in so many ways.It affects so many others than the patient.
I have not written so much on this blog about all the physical aspects of lung cancer.I do not profess the knowledge to do that.There are so many other wonderful sites that provide that information.
I started this blog with a positive attitude.I know I have had great concerns over the last few months,and I feel like I am whining.
Besides,It saves my husband from having to listen to it.
All Kidding aside,I have been to a lot of doctors and have endured many tests lately.
But in keeping with my "believe" theme of this blog,and of this disease I must tell you some good things.
My lung cancer has Not returned to my lung.The next check up is not til November.YEAH!
The stress test and heart ultra sound was normal.The doctor telling me that I would live a long life.Great News.
My livers enzymes have returned to normal.Amazing what a wonder organ the liver is to rehabilitate like that.
My bone scan revealed that the cancer had not spread to the bones.

Yes,God is surely with me.
So there is some silver lining in this black cloud!

I hope that those of you who have bad days,have good ones too.





Daria said…
Yes there is lots of silver lining there ... lots to celebrate.

All the best to you ...

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