A Picture Says A Thousand Words

I have just gotten my results back for the chest xray.I waited the last six months for a five minute appointment.In that picture of my chest was my future.
When I go to the doctor,that day an xray of the chest is taken.You take your xray to the front desk and then you get called in to see the surgeon/oncologist.You wait to exhale when he looks at it.
I am so very happy and Thankful to report to you that my xray showed No signs of the cancer returning to the previous area of the right lobe of the lung.
My doctor has however ordered a Cat Scan ,to be able to really see any tumors that might be hiding.
I am still short of breath with the emphysema.I so far do not have to take oxygen,but I might ask for some for the evenings.
So,I shall move on now to planning Christmas with my family and pray they do not find anything else.




Anonymous said…
You are amazing! I wish you all the best. You're words are very inspiring and I'm glad I've found this blog:)

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