Smoking has been the cause of my demise.Forty-Three years of abuse.I should have figured when I had a cough that kept lasting 4 years ago,that I could be in trouble.I guess I was a typical addict and kept finding excuses.
I now have lung cancer,and emphysema.
When I smoked I did not eat.I actually weighed 89 lbs at one time.When I smoked I drank a lot of coffee,another drug that is questionable.When I smoked I sat,another quick way to die ,as no exercise!
When I smoked I stunk!Our social life even diminished,as anyone that did not smoke did not want to spend an evening with us inhaling ours.
Quitting Smoking is also the hardest thing,and drug to stop.
They have drug rehabs for Heroin,methedrine and alcohol,and insanity.They do not have quit smoking rehabs as far as I know.
Our government collects the taxes on our smokes and then will not even hold themselves accountable to cover the costs of quitting.
I will agree that the pictures that are required on cigarette packages make one think a bit,but you can learn to ignore them as well.
I was a terrible "alcoholic" for 25 years.I was able to quit drinking when the doctor said that I had three months to live.I have "cirrhosis " of the Liver.I could not Quit smoking when I was told I had Lung cancer. I find that pretty sick.
I am a very strong person so I know how very difficult it is to say No to tobacco.
I do know that it can be done.Thank You all over at
for lending support to the people who have quit!
Take it from me,It is up to you to make the choice to quit.I find that substituting good things in place of the bad,really works.Treat yourself for every day that you remain free.I know it will be one minute at a time.



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