The four month wait is over.I saw my surgeon last Wednesday.
There is no return of the"CANCER".I am still at stage 1,or so I believe.
My heart was pounding as I waited for the x-ray results.
I tell you,I went through everybody and everything in my life that day and the days leading up to the appointment.I could actually feel my heart in my stomach.I was so happy to hear that the x-ray looked good that I almost ran out of the room.I forgot to even ask any questions.I am just starting to relax a little now,I think I was in shock.

It has been almost a year since they diagnosed me with"Lung Cancer".I have since had the "lobectomy" to remove a tumor, as well as the right lobe of my lung.I was very fortunate to have had the CT scan and it was detected on time.I do know that some cancers have progressed too far by time of detection and therefore are not able to be surgically repaired.
I am one of the fortunate.I can say that now,as I recall my doubts this last year.
I was so happy in December thinking that a new year was coming and we would have a fresh start.I was thinking about how it had been a bad year.My husband and I having to have major surgery was horrible.
I am wanting to change my mind now and say that it was a Good Year.We are both here and doing well.The odds were against both of us in our individual surgeries.
This last doctor appointment made me check myself.I am angry at myself for allowing a year of worry over dying,when I should have spent the time thinking about living!!
New Year,Wonderful test results.and my husband at home.
I know that I am not out of the woods yet.The prognosis is about 5 years after the diagnosis.That leaves me four.I hope this time I can do the right things.
I am still dealing with"cirrohsis of the liver".I have a heart disease as well as emphysema.I am feeling great and up to new challanges everyday though.I am still only 55,not 85,so I plan on keeping going.

Thank You all again for sticking by me.I really appreciate your comments.




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