HAPPY THANKSGIVING! How many times do we complain?How many times have we wished we were someone or somewhere else?

I have been counting my blessings lately.
I have a home.I have a car, {an older one}.
I have a husband and three great grown children.

How many times do You count your blessings?

I can walk,I can talk,I am still a little able to get around.I am so ever Thankful!

I have had surgery{lobectomy}.a removal of part of my lung Feb.28th.
I have had a mammogram that was iffy and I waited for 14 days after a core biopsy of my breast to find out,It wasn't Cancer.
I sur vived my bout of alcohol abuse and "cirrhosis" of the liver in 2002.
I am alive almost two years later after being Diagnosed with LUNG CANCER.
And you know what?,I count my blessings every day.
I can whine and complain all day ,then I hear the news or from a friend that someone has passed away or has cancer or has died ,and I stop and think How very Lucky I am.

And ,you know what?I count my blessings every night.

I count to ten now before I complain about mundane things.
I never want to Die with regrets and I am now counting days, as I have few left.
I am really saying,Do what you have to do NOW,




CyberCelt said…
God bless you. You may want to join Blog Your Blessings, a group of bloggers who are going to post on Sundays. I will find the URL and come back and post it.
CyberCelt said…
Here is the URL to the Blog Your Blessings Sunday post.
Tess Termulo said…
Whoa! You've really been through a lot. Congratulations to you! You are one strong person! God bless you!

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