SIX MONTHS and I am still sticking around.
Time seems,at times,to move so slow,and yet it goes by so fast.
Where have I been this last little while?What have I accomplished?Could I have spent my time more wisely?
Is there a Bigger Plan in store?
These are not just questions I am asking today,these are the queries I encounter everyday.
I think though that at times we are not necessarily the ones that should answer our own questions.I am starting to think,that perhaps I might require others opinions.

I would like to make mention,that those of you who are now just new to my journal,that you might want to check out my previous posts ,to kind of get the drift of these ramblings.

I am still in limbo,as I wait for my six month check up.I have had no follow up since April.I will see the surgeon that performed my "Lobectomy" on my Lung,on September13th.
I am scared,damn it!,But I am tough as well.
It is a real challenge to know the truth of this deadly disease,but yet to try to convince yourself everyday that you will beat it.
There are many loved ones in my life,and so sometimes I must think of them as well.
I have been feeling well though ,and will continue to live one day at a time,and try to mentally beat this cancer,even if it starts to wither me on the inside.
Please,stay with me on this journal,as your letters and outstanding support help me with every step on this journey.

Don't Stop Believing!



Zelmarq said…
i may not know you, but I extend my prayers, my father died of lung cancer, and its sad growing up with out a ftaher.

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