LUNG CANCER;Time is of the Essence!
This thought of death looming over me,is starting to drive me mad. Do I have time to do all the things that I thought I would like to do? Does it matter? My dad used to tell me to make a five year plan.I wish I had listened.He passed away in 2002,but just before he did,he said my plans should be made six months.I laughed,thinking I had all the time in the world. Now I feel like I am running out of "TIME ". I know I am my own worst enemy at times.I find myself on line trying to find all the clinical information about my "lung cancer',and emphysema,and cirrhosis . I want to stay informed.That is a good thing. I have found though that " THOUGHTS" are the key to this diagnosis. I have always been optimistic.I still am.I do however feel that I must be realistic. I think I might just have to leave it up to the doctors to figure out the physical aspects. Now the question is;How do I spend my time? Maybe it is not about ME. I am starting to think that perhaps leavi...